Sunday, November 3, 2013

Adventures in Building Rasa-Caffe ( Part -3)

Here are some picture of the storefront that i have been wanting to share.
You will find some before and after pictures with some other interesting photos!
Thank you and enjoy!

This is a picture of the Rasa Caffe storefront before we got started.

This is an  in-between picture of the work


After picture! I probably should take the tape off!

Wall before

David of the fire house art collective priming a wall!


                                                  A  Picture of the pillar and wall.

                           A picture of Tom while working and showing me the progress of                                                                              cleaning , fixing the walls, and priming the place!

                                          Siouxsie taking on part of the project of sanding the pillar.

                                                 After. The wooden pillar came out nicely

                             This is a picture of the floor that we were looking to fix with some Elmer's glue sealant                        and paint . It turns out that this old floor could be a safety hazard if not properly fixed. So it looks like we will get a brand new floor as tenant improvement!

                            This is a photo of my fractured finger. I was belt sanding the pillar and it caught my finger pulling off the nail as well. I am very thankful that David ( of the firehouse) was onsite and drove me to the hospital emergency room. It was quite traumatic and I am glad I still have the digit!

What is Sicily looking for? Actually it's a cool tile store in Berkeley that has a great free tile section!

This is a picture of the coffee cart that is being built for Rasa caffe in our work shop.
We are excited to start fully using it!

Photo of Dash looking for a "pick me up" in the refrigerator.

This is a wide shot of  our work shop a lot is in progress there.

A simple photo of the Rasa Caffe sticker and business cards 

                                              A great photo of espresso art for Rasa Caffe
                                                                       Thanks Sicily!